Looking for myself Semi-Female within next 2 months.

Looking for myself Semi-Female within next 2 months.
Personal Information
Name Md. Raju.
Occupation Private Job Supply Officer at Housing and Technology Limited, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka.
Age 29
Religion Islam
Height 57
Weight 68 kg
Blood A
Skin Color Shamburn.
Marital Status Divorced, 5 days accident.
Family Status Middle Class
Home District South Douatla, Bamana, Barguna-8730.
Present Address Family Nabinagar, Ashulia, Savar. Dhaka- 1349.
Educational Qualification
SSC 2010
HSC 2012
HSC 2016 NU
MSS 2019 NU
Fathers Name Md. Afzal Hossain Farmer.
Mothers Name Mumtaz Begum Housewife.
Brothers Name Manju Helal Dhaka businessman.
Brothers wife Sharmin Akhter MBA student.
Sister Tamanna Akhtar SSC Candidate.
For example, I am looking for a bride
The bride should be highly educated.
For example job.
Hons_Masters pass.
DiplomaBSc Pass.
NursingBSc Pass.
Age 22-31
Height 52 - 57
Marital status Never married, divorced with no children.
Family Middle class or lower middle class or upper class is fine.
Preferred Area A bride from any part of the country.
Please those who are serious and willing to take steps for marriage very soon, they or their family can inbox me or through biodata and photos.

Looking for myself Semi-Female within next 2 months.
Looking for myself Semi-Female within next 2 months.
Looking for myself Semi-Female within next 2 months.


Contact Number:


Marriage or Friendship: Post Ad > Get knocks > Enjoy!
*You must be 18+.


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