Any district will do, but Patra must be with Patra at his workplace

Only those who are interested in quick marriage will knock.
Name Tanveer Ahmed Miraj
Age 30 onwards.
Height 5 feet 9 inches.
Weight 67 kg slim
Body Color Fair.
Occupation Private Employment Textile Engineer
District Comilla.
Marital Status Single
Father Jahangir Alam
Occupation Business
Mother Umm Salma
Occupation Housewife
Siblings 2 brothers and 1 sister
Sister ........ married
Younger brother lives in Japan.
Family Status Middle Class.
The height is suitable
Weight is appropriate
Age appropriate
Any district will do, but Patra must be with Patra at his workplace.
Sharils color doesnt matter but must be smart and romantic.
Please do not disturb anyone unnecessarily.

Any district will do, but Patra must be with Patra at his workplace
Any district will do, but Patra must be with Patra at his workplace
Any district will do, but Patra must be with Patra at his workplace


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Marriage or Friendship: Post Ad > Get knocks > Enjoy!
*You must be 18+.


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The bride is a girl from a middle class family. He is educated in religious and moral education
I will marry if I find the right match!
Looking for a patient, caring and kind hearted bride.
Bride is required I am the vessel myself. looking for bride
The groom must be unmarried, prayerful, polite and honest Staying in Dhaka is better.
Looking for groom from Barishal or nearest zone
The prospective bride should be someone who prioritizes Islamic rulings above all in every aspect of her life
I want a suitable husband for my younger sister Must settle in Dhaka, Mymensingh, Division or other District
It can be from any district, but if it is around Bogra district seeking groom
She believes that no one is perfect, happy long conjugal life depends on the effort of both seeking groom

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